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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel)

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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:06


featuring colton haynes

NOM : castel, non de famille que tu tiens de ton père, même si t'aurais préféré tenir celui de ta mère. PRÉNOM : noel, ton premier prénom choisis par ta mère, tu l'apprécies pas plus que ça mais tu ne le déteste pas pour autant. dylan, ton deuxième prénom dont personne ne connait l'existence, celui-ci choisis par ton père. ÂGE : t'as vingt quatre longues années de vie au compteur. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE : t'es né un dix-huit juin, à nice. t'es un niçois dans l'âme toi. ORIGINES : t'as des origines espagnoles que tu tiens encore une fois de ton géniteur, contrairement à lui t'aimes t'es origines. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : il n'y a rien de mieux que les belles courbes des femmes, qui vous hypnotisent jusqu'au fin fond du paradis. STATUT CIVIL : célibataire, y'a que elle et encore elle dans ta tête. ÉTUDES/MÉTIER : t'es juste un simple livreur de pizza, tu passes tes journées à bord d'une moto des pizzas pleins les poches, te trainant de maisons en maisons. PASSION(S) : à vrai dire t'as pas vraiment de passions en soi, t'aimes juste voyager, c'est quelque chose qui te permet de penser à autre chose que tes problèmes, d'évacuer, c'est une des raisons qui te donne envie de continuer, te dire qu'il y'a pleins d'endroits dans le monde à découvrir, même si l'argent ne te permets pas toujours d'aller où tu veux quand tu veux. t'aimes aussi beaucoup la photo, plus jeune c'était une de tes passions, elle s'est un peu estompée avec le temps. GROUPE :(amour amer ou ne me quitte pas) RANG : l'élixir de nina ricci. PV, SCÉNARIO, PRÉ-LIEN OU PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ : personnage inventé, trop d'idées dans ma petite tête.

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j'envoie des bons baisers de paris

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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:06

tout nous attend, tout est écrit

écris l'histoire, tout ce que tu voudras entre les lignes

Juin 1992
t'es né le dix-huit juin 1992, il y a de cela vingt quatre ans, presque vingt cinq. t'es né dans un petit hôtel à nice, t'es né avec une semaine d'avances, t'étais un bon bébé avec le poids et la taille normale. t'es né dans une famille aimante, ce jour la était le plus beau jour de tes parents, t'étais leur petite joie, leur petit bonheur. ta mère avait seulement seize ans et ton père dix-huit quand t'es venu au monde, et pourtant ils t'aimaient vraiment, t'étais tout ce qu'ils attendaient parce qu'ils s'aimaient malgré qu'ils étaient jeunes. uc.

Août 2008

Juin 2010

Juin 2013

Juillet 2016

Janvier 2017

de paris à chez moi, il n'y a qu'un pas

PSEUDO/PRÉNOM : million eyes, mais mon vrai prénom c'est deborah (ou deb ou dédé all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585). ÂGE : seize petites années. SEXE : féminin. VILLE : paris la ville de l'amouuur. RAISON(S) DE L'INSCRIPTION : c'fofo avait l'air cool so here i am. COMMENT AS-TU CONNU LVER ? : en fouillant un peu sur l'net. FRÉQUENCE DE CONNEXION : un peu tout les jours normalement. UN DERNIER MOT ? vive l'été.

[color=#D04040]● [/color][b]célébrité choisie[/b] aka [i]nom du personnage[/i].
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Athénaïs Pradel
Athénaïs Pradel
l'elixir de nina ricci


CRÉDITS : (ava) balaclava. (sign) uc.


all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:10

colton mon amour omg all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755 bienvenue à la maison chaton all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
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Billie Carpentier
Billie Carpentier
shalimar de guerlain

JE RESSEMBLE À : taylor marie hill.

CRÉDITS : moi (avatar), moi (signature).

PSEUDO : anaëlle (ou isamongus, cf. alana et cam - nan j'balance pas, salut). sinon les intimes m'appellent bilal - même si j'm'appelle pas bilal (svp cherchez pas).

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:12

ton gif de profil. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585
bienvenue à paris avec cet excellent choix. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755
bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche, et en cas de besoin : sos staff ! all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 3193395487
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:20

je suis fan du choix, j'aime trop colton. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755
bienvenue sur lver, ta nouvelle maison. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2705890437
hâte de découvrir tout ça. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1566817690
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:33

bienvenue all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2823496254
bon courage pour ta fichouu & très bon choix d'avatar all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2499511796
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:35

bienvenuuuue, j'ai hâte de lire ta petite histoire, bonne rédaction all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
Revenir en haut Aller en bas
Athénaïs Pradel
Athénaïs Pradel
l'elixir de nina ricci


CRÉDITS : (ava) balaclava. (sign) uc.


all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 19:45

ah et en passant, j'ai oublié all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1949696596
deschamps est déjà recensé dans le bottin, ce serait cool que tu en changes all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2928736218
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 20:44

Bienvenue par ici. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2332942029
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 20:50

Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 3237030890
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 21:08

Florie Weber a écrit:
colton mon amour omg all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755 bienvenue à la maison chaton all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
mooh merci all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 904135870 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2792054981

Billie Carpentier a écrit:
ton gif de profil. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585
bienvenue à paris avec cet excellent choix. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755
bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche, et en cas de besoin : sos staff ! all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 3193395487
je l'avais trouvé trop drôle j'étais obligée all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585
merci à toi, j'hésiterais pas all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2499511796 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2705890437

Loup Beaubourg a écrit:
je suis fan du choix, j'aime trop colton. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755
bienvenue sur lver, ta nouvelle maison.  all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2705890437
hâte de découvrir tout ça.  all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1566817690
moi aussi, j'l'aime trop all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2956393769 en même temps all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585
merci beaucouup all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1566817690

Louve Bouquet a écrit:
bienvenue all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2823496254
bon courage pour ta fichouu & très bon choix d'avatar all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2499511796
merciii all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514 ton choix d'avatar est super original all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2823496254

Eden Delacroix a écrit:
bienvenuuuue, j'ai hâte de lire ta petite histoire, bonne rédaction all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
thaaanks all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514

Florie Weber a écrit:
ah et en passant, j'ai oublié all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1949696596
deschamps est déjà recensé dans le bottin, ce serait cool que tu en changes all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2928736218
ouui, j'avais pas vu sorry tête en l'air bonsoir all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755 j'ai changé all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1301358673

Valentin Léonard a écrit:
Bienvenue par ici. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2332942029
merci toi all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2705890437

Grace Leoni a écrit:
Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 3237030890
thanks all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 904135870
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 21:52

Ce BG all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2956393769 Bienvenue à Paris et bonne chance pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 546338362
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty5/4/2017, 23:15

Bienvenue parmi nous, courage pour ta fichette et amuses-toi sur LVER. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 546338362
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty6/4/2017, 12:58

bienvenue ici all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty6/4/2017, 17:09

les chèvres semblent pas trop t'aimer. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1949696596 mais si tu veux, j't'aimerai pour elles. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2332942029

bienvenue ici avec colton. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty6/4/2017, 21:48

Flora Garnier a écrit:
Ce BG all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2956393769 Bienvenue à Paris et bonne chance pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 546338362
merci beaucoup all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2799513653

Clemens Zaghar a écrit:
Bienvenue parmi nous, courage pour ta fichette et amuses-toi sur LVER. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 546338362
merciii all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2499511796

Camille Guérin a écrit:
bienvenue ici all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
merci à toi all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514

Lionel Sevestre a écrit:
les chèvres semblent pas trop t'aimer. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1949696596 mais si tu veux, j't'aimerai pour elles. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2332942029

bienvenue ici avec colton. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
j'te dirais pas non, te gêne pas all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 3349836781 merci all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 546338362
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty6/4/2017, 23:16

Bienvenue par ici avec ...
COLTON all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2956393769 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2608297218 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 577205912
Je viendrai te demander un lien, bon courage pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2792054981
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty7/4/2017, 00:03

Sofia Delacour a écrit:
Bienvenue par ici avec ...
COLTON all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2956393769 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2608297218 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 577205912
Je viendrai te demander un lien, bon courage pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2792054981
merci beaucoup, pas de problèmes haha all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 3637072574 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1780186514
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty7/4/2017, 18:36

COLTON all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2608297218 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2956393769 *Mort cérébrale déclarée à 18h33*
Je plussoie cet excellant choix d'avatar all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755

Bienvenue sur lver, hâte de te lire et d'en apprendre plus sur ce fameux Noel. Bon courage pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2823496254
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty7/4/2017, 22:15

Bienvenue parmi nous, bro!
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty8/4/2017, 00:33

Kuan-Yi Hsieh a écrit:
COLTON all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2608297218 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2956393769 *Mort cérébrale déclarée à 18h33*
Je plussoie cet excellant choix d'avatar all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 4140893755

Bienvenue sur lver, hâte de te lire et d'en apprendre plus sur ce fameux Noel. Bon courage pour ta fiche all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2823496254
quelle belle mort all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585 all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1627341585
merci à toi all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 546338362

Emeryck White a écrit:
Bienvenue parmi nous, bro!
thanks all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 124517307
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Jaesun Chesnais
Jaesun Chesnais
l'elixir de nina ricci

JE RESSEMBLE À : jeon jeongguk

CRÉDITS : sv. (avatar) jecn (gifs signature) anaelle (code signature)

PSEUDO : fantasy.

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty9/4/2017, 10:53

bienvenue beau mâle all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2792054981
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty13/4/2017, 21:31

bienvenue parmi nous all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2792054981
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Lisa Martinez
Lisa Martinez
shalimar de guerlain

JE RESSEMBLE À : blondie cabrino-marquinhos.

CRÉDITS : (ava) anaëlle. (sign) uc.


all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty15/4/2017, 11:13

Il est temps de terminer ta fiche

attention, ta fiche est en danger !

eh ben alors... où es-tu passé(e) ? all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 904135870 ça fait maintenant une semaine que tu as commencé ta fiche, mais nous n'avons plus de nouvelles de toi... all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 1051928471 comment ça se fait ? ne nous dis pas que tu t'es noyé(e) dans la seine ! ici, le staff est rempli de maîtres nageurs accomplis et encore plus sexy qu'adriana karembeu ! all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2332942029 autrement dit, tu n'as aucune excuse, on te sauvera coûte que coûte ! à partir d'aujourd'hui, tu ne disposes donc plus que de quatre jours pour nous demander un délai, sans quoi ton compte se verra supprimé. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 2842427772 nous, on n'a pas envie de te laisser partir ! all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 3093116792 alors reviens-nous, tu nous manques déjà. all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) 599391642
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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel) Empty

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all i needed was the love you gave, all i needed for another day and all i ever knew, only you (noel)

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