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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah.

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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 01:15

hannah fournier featuring nicola peltz
NOM : fournier, c'est son patronyme. nom qu'elle n'a pas choisi, et qu'elle trouve d'une banalité. Quand on y pense, JenniferLopez, Emma Stone,Chrissy Teigen. Tous des personnalités féminines possédant un nom qui reflète le girl power, des noms avec du "pep". Ce qui ne sera jamais le cas pour elle, fournier..pff. Sans aucune couleur, ni vivacité. Mais tout de même,nom qu'elle chérira, pas seulement parce que c'est le sien, mais parce que c'est également celui de ses cinq sœurs. PRÉNOM : hannah.Prénom signifiant, "grâce", chose qu'elle évoque bien sûr, au premier abord. En effet, son apparence soignée et sa démarche élégante peuvent lui conférer un air supérieur, voir hautain. C,est seulement lorsqu'on apprend a la connaitre que l'on réalise qu'elle n'est pas du genre a rester sur le canapé, avec tout le monde pour combler ses petits besoins, mais plutôt active et sympathique. C'est bien connu, chaque initiale du nom des six sœurs forment le mot "hearts".  Ses parents lui ont offert l'honneur d'être le H, elle s'en vante souvent d'ailleurs, pensant que cela signifie quelque chose de plus.SURNOM : /. ÂGE : vingt-deux ans et toutes ses dents. Déjà quatre années qu'elle peut bénéficier des nombreux privilèges des adultes. Malgré tout, elle aimerait bien retourner en enfance, tout était tellement plus simple a cette époque. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE :2 mai 1994, elle est venue au monde sous les yeux ébahis de ses grandes-sœur, un des nombreux jours qui a bouleversé la vie des fournier. ORIGINES : Française, de pure souche même. Du mois, c'est ce q'on lui a dit et elle toutes les raisons d'y croire. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : hétérosexuelle, bien qu'elle n'ait rien contre l'homosexualité, la simple idée de s'imaginer avec une femme la répugne au plus haut point. Elle en a déjà bien assez de ses sœurs. STATUT CIVIL : célibataire, elle a déjà été déçue a de nombreuses reprises si bien qu'elle ne croit plus trop au grand amour.ÉTUDES/MÉTIER : hannah est étudiante en art, ce qui n'est surprenant pour personne. Afin de payer ses études, elle travaille en tant que réceptionniste dans un salon de beauté, ce qui lui permet même d'avoir des rabais sur les manucures et pédicures donc, cela l'arrange ! PASSION(S) : l'art. Passion qui occupe la majeure partie de sa vie et ce, depuis le début de son adolescence. Un cœur écorché, une âme en peine, elle vaait besoin du dessin, de la peinture afin d'exprimer ce qu'elle ressentaitGROUPE : eden de cacharel. POSTE VACANT, SCÉNARIO, LIEN PRÉ-DÉFINI OU PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ : scénario.


j'envoie des bons baisers de paris

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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 01:15

être parisien, ce n’est pas être né à Paris, c’est y renaître

Ecris l'histoire de ton personnage ici.

de paris à chez moi, il n'y a qu'un pas


[color=#D04040]● [/color][b]célébrité choisie[/b] aka [i]nom du personnage[/i].
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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 09:43

Bienvenue à toi. ♢
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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 11:07

la petite soeurette d'amour and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2608297218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2608297218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2608297218
bienvenue chez toi princesse et bonne chance pour ta fiche and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2823496254 les fournier sont à ton entière disposition en cas de besoin donc n'hésite pas and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2332942029

and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3725005218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3938161689 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 175039958 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2597534396
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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 12:10

Yiphiphip, la smala Fournier s'agrandit une fois encore and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2216051792 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4190298120
Miss "A", Miss "T", Miss "R" et maintenant Miss "H" and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2608297218

Un grand bienvenue à toi et à la jolie Hannah. Bon courage pour ta fiche et au plaisir de te lire bientôt and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2799513653
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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 13:24

J'ai jamais vu autant d'adorabilité réunie, je suis émue and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2499511796 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2499511796
@Agathe Fournier : Il se pourrait bien que la diablotine en moi vienne vous harceler en mp, mouahahahaha ^^
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Jaesun Chesnais
Jaesun Chesnais
l'elixir de nina ricci

JE RESSEMBLE À : jeon jeongguk

CRÉDITS : sv. (avatar) jecn (gifs signature) anaelle (code signature)

PSEUDO : fantasy.

and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 18:26

bienvenue beauté and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2792054981
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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 21:47

UNE FOURNIER and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2608297218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2608297218 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4140893755

bienvenue à la maison chaton and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 519489317

si tu as besoin, le staff et tes soeurettes sont là pour toi and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 904135870
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Théoxane Fournier
Théoxane Fournier
eau de toilette

JE RESSEMBLE À : esti ginzburg, la magnificence.

CRÉDITS : ecstatic ruby (avatar) + moi (signature).

PSEUDO : anaëlle.

and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty1/2/2017, 22:31

bienvenue par iciiiiiii ! and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 3266830546 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2499511796 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 1566817690
nicola est tellement belle. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4140893755 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4140893755 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4140893755 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4140893755 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4140893755 and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 4140893755
et puis forcément, en faisant partie de la famille fournier, tu gèèèèèère ! and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 1108320420
breeeef, mille merci de tenter ce scénario, c'est génial ! and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 577205912 et effectivement, nos boîtes à mp sont ouvertes h24 alors n'hésite surtout pas. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. 2049746274

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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah. Empty

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and i'm still looking for a bit of you in the others - hannah.

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LA VIE EN ROSE :: saison 17 :: gestion-

then a hero comes along / zafira beaumont.
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