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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette

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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty16/12/2015, 11:22

juliette derham featuring zoella sugg

NOM : derham. PRÉNOM : juliette. SURNOM : Juju, Ju, Jul.  ÂGE : vingt ans. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE : ici même le 7 juillet 1995. ORIGINES : américaine, quoi son premier papa est argentin. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : Bisexuelle, découvert depuis peu. STATUT CIVIL : célibataire. ÉTUDES/MÉTIER : étudiante en informatique. Mais vendeuse chez Forever21.  PASSION(S) : l'informatique ainsi que le dessin. GROUPE : l'elixir de nina ricci.. SCENARIO OU PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ : scénario de la belle albane  we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1780186514

CARACTÈRE : plutôt dynamique, boudeuse, bavarde, rancunière, franche, rêveuse, douce, fantaisiste, généreuse, têtue, jalouse, impulsive, chiante. TICS ET TOCS : ☆ Juju est une folle de l'informatique, c'est elle qui vous craquera votre nouveau Iphone ou qui débloquera les parefeu pour vous trouvez un e-mail de votre petit ami. D'ailleurs, la demoiselle fait son petit business la dessus. ☆ Elle aime le dessin et c'est ce pourquoi elle voulait se lancé dans des études d'art, cependant ne pouvant pas choisir elle va finalement se lancé dans une carrière dans l'informatique. ☆ Elle publie des vidéos sur youtube, des chansons qu'elle reprend avec deux de ces amis ainsi que divers vidéos en vrac. ☆ Juliette a deux papa. Ses parents étant un couple homosexuel. Ils ont fait appel à une mère porteuse. ☆ La demoiselle vit avec sa meilleure amie en colocation depuis deux ans. ☆ Elle déteste le café, mais ne se passe plus de chocolat chaud.

j'envoie des bons baisers de paris

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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty16/12/2015, 11:22

être parisien, ce n’est pas être né à Paris, c’est y renaître

Ecris l'histoire de ton personnage ici.

de paris à chez moi, il n'y a qu'un pas


[color=#D04040]● [/color][b]célébrité choisie[/b] aka [i]nom du personnage[/i].
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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty16/12/2015, 11:37

Zoella we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3237030890 Elle est tellement belle cette fille, j'suis trop jalouse en vrai we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1627341585. Enfin, pas César hein, la joueuse derrière l'écran we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1627341585.
En tout cas, bienvenue we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2823496254 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2499511796
Et bon courage pour ta fiche we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2792054981
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Albane Garnier
Albane Garnier
eau de toilette


CRÉDITS : (ava) dreazy. (sign) anaëlle.


we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty16/12/2015, 11:46

bienvenue parmi nous ma princesse et bonne chance pour ta fichette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2823496254 sache que tu as fait le meilleur des choix et que nous sommes à ton entière disposition si besoin donc n'hésite pas à nous harceler we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 904135870 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2792054981 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218

we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2688079430 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 927858298 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 :amen1: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 175039958
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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty16/12/2015, 13:42

Bon bah bonne chance avec la folle du dessus hein we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2705890437 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2705890437

Sinon bienvenue ici et si besoin le staff est a ta disposition we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 519489317 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3452552957

Et zoella we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2823496254 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2823496254
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Isaac Delatour
Isaac Delatour
eden de cacharel

JE RESSEMBLE À : tommo, mon bb.

CRÉDITS : scarlett glasses (avatar).

PSEUDO : anaëlle, la fabulance-même.

we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty16/12/2015, 19:00

OUEEEEELCOOOOOOME HOME parce que ouais, désormais c'est ta maison ! we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411 :ouhou: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2608297218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3725005218 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1763687834 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3443136181 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1111277246 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1435006887 we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2844668411
bon courage pour ta fichette. we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2792054981 évidemment, si tu as des questions, des besoins ou autre, notre boîte à mp est grande ouverte (et même pour rien d'ailleurs we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3349836781)
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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty18/12/2015, 17:53

Bienvenue. we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2792054981
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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty19/12/2015, 21:29

Bienvenue. we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2823496254
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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty20/12/2015, 10:41

Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fiche we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2792054981
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Albane Garnier
Albane Garnier
eau de toilette


CRÉDITS : (ava) dreazy. (sign) anaëlle.


we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty21/12/2015, 22:54

t'es trop belle we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 4140893755
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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty
MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty23/12/2015, 00:17

Il est temps de terminer ta fiche

eh ben alors... où es-tu passé(e) ? we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 904135870 ça fait maintenant une semaine que tu as commencé ta fiche, mais nous n'avons plus de nouvelles de toi... we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 1051928471 comment ça se fait ? ne nous dis pas que tu t'es noyé(e) dans la seine ! ici, le staff est rempli de maîtres nageurs accomplis et encore plus sexy qu'adriana karembeu ! we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2332942029 autrement dit, tu n'as aucune excuse, on te sauvera coûte que coûte ! à partir d'aujourd'hui, tu ne disposes donc plus que de quatre jours pour nous demander un délai, sans quoi ton compte se verra supprimé. we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 2842427772 nous, on n'a pas envie de te laisser partir ! we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 3093116792 alors reviens-nous, tu nous manques déjà. we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette 599391642
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MessageSujet: Re: we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette Empty

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we're holding on and letting go ✹ juliette

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