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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy.

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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 08:40

rachelle fournier featuring jennifer lauwence

NOM : fournier, une grande famille française. PRÉNOM : rachelle, le prénom de mon arrière grand-mère que je porte avec fièreté. SURNOM : à toi de voir. ÂGE : 26 ans. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE : ici. ORIGINES : française. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : hétéro. STATUT CIVIL : célibataire. ÉTUDES/MÉTIER : brillante avocate depuis pas mal d'années. PASSION(S) : la danse classique, le shopping, Emile Zola. GROUPE : J'adore de Dior. SCENARIO OU PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ : scénario de Théoxane. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1780186514

CARACTÈRE : passionnée, déterminée, têtue et obstinée, courageuse, débrouillarde, autoritaire, intègre, très mature, perspicace, méfiante, orgueilleuse et par dessus tout, protectrice et bienveillante envers ceux qu'elle aime (peut-être même un peu trop). TICS ET TOCS : je n'ais jamais les ongles aux naturels, pour moi, le vernis est clé, surtout le corail ✨ côté habit et concordance des couleurs, je suis imbattable ✨ j'ai tendance à trop toucher mes cheveux quand je suis nerveuse ✨ je déteste le café, mais bizarrement je peux pas me passer d'un café noisette ✨ je lis beaucoup de Zola, je ne peux pas m'en passer ✨ si je devais avoir un homme chez moi, j'espère bien qu'il sera un véritable cordon bleu ✨ j'ai une chatte du nom de Grace, comme Grace Kelly ✨ Les matins, je ne peux pas me passer de mon boulanger au coin de la rue pour m'acheter un pain au chocolat ✨ Le poids est pour moi quelques choses de vraiment important, étant une ancienne boulimique, je ne tiens pas à revenir dans le passé ✨ j'ai encore, secrètement, une âme d'enfant. Pour te dire, quand je suis pas bien je me met devant Guilly ✨ J'ai une peur affreuse de l'orage ✨

j'envoie des bons baisers de paris

QUEL EST L'ENDROIT QUE TU PRÉFÈRES A PARIS ? Ses rues parisiennes. Elles ont un côté historique qui les rendent charmeuses. QU'EST-CE QUI TE PLAÎT LE PLUS DANS LE FAIT DE VIVRE ICI ? le côté luxueux et raffiné de la ville lumière. Je suis jamais partit de cette ville, parce que Paris est bien la capitale de la mode et une ville qui ne dort jamais. ET CE QUI TE PLAÎT LE MOINS ? le métro. C'est trop sale. POUR FINIR, DÉCRIS LA CAPITALE EN TROIS ADJECTIFS : grande, magestueuse, historique.
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 08:40

être parisien, ce n’est pas être né à Paris, c’est y renaître

Ecris l'histoire de ton personnage ici.

de paris à chez moi, il n'y a qu'un pas

PSEUDO/PRÉNOM : guys. ÂGE : 15 ans rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1108320420 . SEXE : je représente le rose plutôt que le bleu rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 755706926 . VILLE : lyon. RAISON(S) DE L'INSCRIPTION : le scéario :love1: j'ai trop flashé dessus. IMPRESSIONS : une bombe atomique le truc :peur: . FRÉQUENCE DE CONNEXION : ça va dépendre car je viens de rentrer en seconde et j'ai pas forcément le temps de me connecter certains soirs. UN DERNIER MOT ?  :bananes: .

[color=#D04040]● [/color][b]jennifer lawence[/b] aka [i]rachelle fournier[/i].
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 13:33

Jen :love1:
Bienvenue sur lbd! rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887
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Théoxane Fournier
Théoxane Fournier
eau de toilette

JE RESSEMBLE À : esti ginzburg, la magnificence.

CRÉDITS : ecstatic ruby (avatar) + moi (signature).

PSEUDO : anaëlle.

rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 16:13

bienvenue parmi nous la belle. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2844668411 :ouhou: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642
j'espère que tu te plairas ici. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 519489317 évidemment, ma boîte à mp est grande ouverte si tu as le moindre souci et/ou la moindre question, n'hésite pas. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2049746274
en attendant, bon courage pour la rédaction de ta fiche. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 3219686730
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 16:20

Alors toi et moi on va devenir copine, déjà tu as pris la belle Jenn et en plus tu est de Lyon rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2332942029

Bienvenue parmi nous et fais comme chez toi !
Bon courage pour la suite de ta fiche :)
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 18:06

Qu'est-ce que t'es belle. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2823496254
Bienvenue sur LBD. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981
Bon courage pour ta fiche, et n'hésites pas en cas de question. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2608297218
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 18:46

excellent choix de famille rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2332942029
bienvenue dans le coin ma belle et bonne chance pour ta fiche rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2823496254 le staff est là pour toi en cas de besoin donc n'hésite pas à nous harceler rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2608297218

rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1111277246 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2688079430 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1435006887 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 175039958
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 19:13

La belle Jen' rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2332942029 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2332942029

Bienvenue parmi nous et bon courage pour ta fichette rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1780186514 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1566817690
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty19/10/2015, 21:01

canonisime rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2956393769

mais y'en a combien des soeurs fournier ? rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1627341585

bienvenue ici en tout cas, n'est pas peur, elles sont gentilles tes soeurs (a)

si besoin d'aide, n'hésite pas rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 3452552957
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty20/10/2015, 21:54

omg la belle jen rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1763687834 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1763687834 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1763687834 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1763687834
Cette femme est tellement parfaite, c'est un truc de malade ! Subliiiiime choix, franchement je ne peux qu'être fan et pour la peine je m'incline devant ta perfection rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 4199922774 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 4199922774 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 4199922774 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 4199922774 rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 4199922774
Bon, trève de plaisanteries rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 3278094843 Bienvenue sur LBD en te souhaitant de t'éclater parmi nous rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 929891337
Bon courage pour ta fiche, petit chat rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 3237030890
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty21/10/2015, 18:46

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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty23/10/2015, 21:08

Bienvenue. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1780186514
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty24/10/2015, 11:19

Jen rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2792054981

Bienvenue :D
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty27/10/2015, 14:29

Il est temps de terminer ta fiche

eh ben alors... où es-tu passé(e) ? rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 904135870 ça fait maintenant une semaine que tu as commencé ta fiche, mais nous n'avons plus de nouvelles de toi... rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 1051928471 comment ça se fait ? ne nous dis pas que tu t'es noyé(e) dans la seine ! ici, le staff est rempli de maîtres nageurs accomplis et encore plus sexy qu'adriana karembeu ! rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2332942029 autrement dit, tu n'as aucune excuse, on te sauvera coûte que coûte ! à partir d'aujourd'hui, tu ne disposes donc plus que de quatre jours pour nous demander un délai, sans quoi ton compte se verra supprimé. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 2842427772 nous, on n'a pas envie de te laisser partir ! rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 3093116792 alors reviens-nous, tu nous manques déjà. rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. 599391642
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy. Empty
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rachelle ✨ I would be.. To be happy.

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