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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT

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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 22:36

Benoît Vernet featuring Jesse Spencer

« La vie est vraiment simple mais nous insistons à la rendre compliquée. »

NOM : Vernet. PRÉNOM : Benoît. SURNOM : Ben (pour tout le monde), Big Ben (pour les intimes, c'est-à-dire uniquement sa famille) voir Benny (mais vous avez des chances de vous en prendre une). ÂGE : 35 ans. DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE : 12 février 1978. ORIGINES : espagnoles. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE : hétérosexuel. STATUT CIVIL : fraichement divorcé et à nouveau en couple mais c’est un peu compliqué. ÉTUDES/MÉTIER : urgentiste et pompier volontaire. PASSION(S) : la littérature, le cinéma et l’art. GROUPE : Shalimar de Guerlain. SCENARIO OU PERSONNAGE INVENTÉ : scénario.

CARACTÈRE : Benoît est un homme viril, actif et entreprenant qui se montre souvent distant et réservé. En fait, méfiant et inquiet, il n'aime pas se livrer au premier venu. Mais, une fois rassuré, il se révèle franc, direct et sincère. Ses sentiments sont solides. Il n'aime guère les relations superficielles et a de surcroît le sens du devoir. Indépendant, il est capable de se remettre en question en prenant des risques calculés. Pourtant, il a besoin de sécurité et de stabilité et se montre parfois partagé entre son désir de possession, qui le pousse à conserver ses acquis, et cette tendance à la conquête... Mais il a aussi des facultés d'adaptation qui lui permettent de se lancer sans trop d'angoisse. C'est un grand nerveux qui a besoin d'action pour employer ce trop-plein d'énergie. Cela se manifeste souvent par une grande adaptabilité, soit par l'exercice d'un sport, ou par une capacité de travail importante. Si Benoît est un homme d'action, il est aussi capable de mettre des freins a ses engouements et ses impulsions. Enfin, volonté et autorité le caractérisent, ce qui lui confère un certain charisme. TICS ET TOCS : Benoît est le père de deux garçons de dix-sept ans et de neuf ans. ∇ Il s’est marié très jeune avec la mère de ses deux fils, une fois que le premier eu deux ans. ∇ Lui et Laetitia vienne de divorcé après quinze ans de mariage. La raison un emploi du temps trop différents… ∇ Il sort depuis peu avec une de ses collègue urgentiste, se qui lui cause des soucis et au boulot et avec ses fils qui ont du mal à l’idée que leur père remplace leur mère. ∇ Benoît est l’aîné de la famille Vernet, il a un frère et deux sœurs dont il est plutôt proche. ∇ Pour lui la famille passe avant tout le reste. ∇ Il n’a jamais quitté le territoire français mais s’est toujours promis qu’il emmènerait ses fils visiter en voyage au moins une fois. ∇ C’est lui qui a la garde de ses enfants depuis le divorce. ∇ Malgré les disputes il est resté assez proche de son ex-femme. ∇ Depuis le divorce il a du réduire ses heures en temps que pompier pour s’occuper un peu plus de ses enfants afin d’éviter de payer une nounou. ∇ Il ne fume pas, et bois de temps en temps, mais jamais à haute dose. ∇ Il passe une partie de son temps libre à faire du sport, il est adepte de la phrase « un esprit sain dans un corps sain » ∇ Il est accro à la caféine cependant, il peu boire jusqu'à quatre mugs et trois tasses de café. ∇ Niveau sport il pratique la boxe et aussi le foot, surtout avec ses fils… ∇ Alizée est la marraine de son second fils et Aymeric le parrain de son aîné.

j'envoie des bons baisers de paris

QUEL EST L'ENDROIT QUE TU PRÉFÈRES A PARIS ? Le Louvre. QU'EST-CE QUI TE PLAÎT LE PLUS DANS LE FAIT DE VIVRE ICI ? On ne s’ennuie jamais, il se passe toujours quelques choses, et puis c’est tellement grand qu’on est jamais dans les potins des commères du coiffeurs du quartier. ET CE QUI TE PLAÎT LE MOINS ? Je suppose que c’est pas très originale, mais la circulation et l’impolitesse des conducteurs. POUR FINIR, DÉCRIS LA CAPITALE EN TROIS ADJECTIFS : touristique, bruyante, lumineuse.
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 22:36

être parisien, ce n’est pas être né à Paris, c’est y renaître

« A l’école ils m’ont demandé ce que je voulais être lorsque je serai grand. J’ai répondu « heureux ». Ils m’ont dit que je n’avais pas compris la question, j’ai répondu qu’ils n’avaient pas compris la vie. »

Lorsqu’elle m’avait annoncé qu’elle était enceinte je venais de fêter mes dix-huit ans et tout mon futur venait de s’effondrer sous mes pieds, je n’avais jamais pris le temps de penser que j’aurais des enfants et encore moins à 18 ans… Putain, dix-huit ans, je ne m’assumais encore pas financièrement, j’avais un rêve devenir pompier, ou encore médecin, et tout venait d’être réduit en cendres sans une seule étincelle pour me prévenir… Certes, j’aimais Laëtitia plus que tout au monde, mais j’étais censé avoir la vie devant moi, elle et moi devions avoir un autre futur écrit, pas celui de ce retrouvé dans un appartement d’étudiant, enfin appartement était un bien grand mot à l’époque, chambre serait le mot exact. Je ne pouvais pas lui demander d’avorter, nos familles ne l’auraient jamais accepté et l’adoption c’était juste inimaginable, c’est pour ça que Corentin était né neuf mois plus tard dans notre petit appartement… Je refusais l’aide de mes parents, je m’étais mis dans le pétrin tout seul je ne pouvais pas accepter leur aide… J’accumulais les petits-boulot avant de pouvoir reprendre les cours du soir les ambitions revues à la baisse mais toujours dans mes projets…
La vie continuait tranquillement son cours, et puis deux ans plus tard un mariage, et puis six ans se sont écoulés ont commençait à parler bébé, mais j’avais toujours le projet d’être pompier, je ne me voilais pas la face, je savais que je ne serais jamais professionnel et le jour ou je reçu mon affectation ce qui signifiais que j’avais réussi les examens de base Laëtitia m’annonça qu’elle était à nouveau enceinte et Rafael est né huit mois plus tard, je profitais jour après jour de mes fils… Ils faisaient notre bonheur et aussi celui de nos familles.
Je faisais un métier qui me plaisait, j’exerçais le métier de pompier volontaire, je vivais dans un petit pavillon de banlieue avec les deux êtres que j’aimais le plus au monde mes fils mais il y avait quelques chose dans le comportement de ma femme qui me faisait sentir qu’elle n’était pas aussi heureuse qu’elle le laissait voir, elle était toujours en déplacement, à peine présente les week-ends.  Ecoute Laëtitia, explique-moi ! On ne va pas continuer comme ça longtemps !   Cela faisait déjà bien assez longtemps que je gardais ça pour moi.  Ben, de quoi tu parles ?!  Je n’avais pu m’empêcher de soupirer, on avait une relation de colocataires et encore les colocataires se voient plus souvent… Je lui avais alors expliqué calmement que j’avais pris rendez-vous chez un thérapeute pour qu’on puisse sauver notre couple, mais elle m’avait expliqué que ce n’était pas la peine, qu’elle avait un amant… La pilule eu dû mal à passer, mais je ne voulais pas faire un scandale avec les enfants dans la chambre à côté, le lendemain j’avais entamé une procédure de divorce, et elle avait décidé de ne pas faire d’histoire… Je me retrouvais seul à élevé un ado et un enfant qui ne comprenais pas la situation et j’étais décidé à ne pas diaboliser leur mère même si du coup elle avait le beau rôle dans notre séparation…
Oula Ben t’es déjà à ton troisième mug en quinze minutes, un problème avec ton ex ?  La voix de mon amie et collègue résonnait dans ma tête et malgré un soupire de fatigue je lui souriais légèrement... Je n'avais même pas remarqué que je venais de finir mon troisième gobelets de café... Cela faisait trois ans qu’on se connaissait avec Amélie, et je dois l’avouer trois ans qu’on se cherche aussi, mais j’étais marié jusqu'à présent…  Non du tout, mes fils me donne du fils à retordre ses derniers temps ! J’envisage de les donné à ma sœur une semaine pour pouvoir enfin dormir !  Malgré la fatigue j’avais réussi à rire un peu à ma blague même si je songeais vraiment à les donner à Alizée une semaine…  Ca te dis qu’on sorte un de ses soirs, entre collègue pour que tu décompresse ?  J’avais été surpris de ce qu’Amélie venait de me dire autant que ma réponse positive… Le soir même j’avais déposé les garçons chez Alizée et j’avais rejoins Amélie dans un bar pas très loin de notre lieu de travail… Les jours et les soirées continuaient de défilé jusqu’au soir peut-être de trop ou je l’avais embrassé… On a alors commencé une relation, et je ne le regrette pas….

de paris à chez moi, il n'y a qu'un pas

PSEUDO/PRÉNOM : _Shiine/Aurore. ÂGE : Bientôt 23 balais. SEXE : Oh i’m just a girl. VILLE : Le trou du c** pomé du monde entre 8 vaches et 15 champs. RAISON(S) DE L'INSCRIPTION : Je l’aime trop j’ai pas pu résister à un deuxième comptes (a) . IMPRESSIONS : PARTY HARD. FRÉQUENCE DE CONNEXION : 5/7 jours. UN DERNIER MOT ? I LOVE YOU.

[color=#D04040]● [/color][b]jesse spencer[/b] aka [i]benoît vernet[/i].
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 22:57

je ne sais que dire à part que tu gères all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3266830546 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 519489317 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1780186514 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3452552957 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2956393769 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2688079430 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 466013890 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1435006887 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2216051792 :amen1:
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Alix Beauregard
Alix Beauregard
black opium de ysl

JE RESSEMBLE À : scodders, ma meuf.

CRÉDITS : balaclava (ava), anaëlle (sign).

PSEUDO : anaëlle.

all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 23:02

biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiienvenue chez toiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3725005218 très bon choix de scénario au passage. all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1566817690 si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, tu connais la maison donc n'hésite pas.
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 23:13

Merci mes chéries all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981
Ça fait longtemps que j'ai pas jouer un mec, aïe aïe ^^
J'espère que je vais être à la hauteur, y'as du level avec la frangine all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1566817690

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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 23:20

mais ça ira très bien, on a toujours géré toutes les deux all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 23:22

Ouais peut-être mais j'ai la pression la, c'est la première fois qu'on joue se lien tu rend compte ?! :o
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 23:27

faut innover dans la vie haha all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1566817690
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty5/4/2015, 23:31

Je ne peux qu'approuver (:
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty6/4/2015, 12:41

Qu'il est beau all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254
Rebienvenue ici, ravie que tu es voulue d'un deuxième compte all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty6/4/2015, 16:15

je n'ai rien à ajouter, tout est parfait pour moi all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 4140893755 mais ne te sers pas trop de moi en tant que nourrice parce que je vais devenir payante sinon, il faut un intérêt pour tout le monde hein all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2705890437
et pour finir, mille mercis d'avoir pris mon big ben, je vais me sentir moins seule all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2608297218

Tu es officiellement validé(e)

bravo, bravo, tu es venu(e) à bout de ta fichounette et tu as été accepté(e) à Paris. all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2823496254 maintenant tu es libre de faire tes premiers pas en toute tranquillité - mais pas trop quand même. all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 827115321 tu débarques peut-être en solitaire alors vas vite te faire de nouveaux amis qui n'ont qu'une envie : t'avoir dans leur agenda. ne sois pas triste s'il te manque quelqu'un dans ta vie, file créer son scénario pour le voir débarquer près de toi et te redonner le sourire. all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2049746274 non, non, c'est interdit de dormir sur un banc ! all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 3093116792 l'agence immobilière est encore ouverte alors on se dépêche ! t'as vu comme tout le monde est mignon ici ? all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1108320420 alors n'hésite pas à débarquer sur le flood et/ou la chatbox pour devenir le number one du délire. all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1111277246 et puis si tu nous aimes, tu peux même voter pour nous, on te fera des crêpes pour te remercier ! on est un club de folie nous, et on a hâte de partager des tas de choses avec toi ! en attendant, amuse-toi bien parmi nous ! all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 927858298
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty6/4/2015, 20:06

Oh Roméo, pourquoi est tu Roméo (a) Je sors, loin loin loin, mais merci ;)

Si je te paie en câlins et avec l'amour de tes neveux ça te conviens pas ?! all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 904135870 T'es la meilleure des sœurs all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty6/4/2015, 20:10

bon d'accord puisque tu insistes all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 1566817690
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty6/4/2015, 20:14

M'oh t'es la meilleure all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 2792054981 all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT 599391642
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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty
MessageSujet: Re: all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT Empty

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all we did was care for each other ▬ BENOIT

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