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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start

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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty20/7/2016, 20:54

uc (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2705890437
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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty20/7/2016, 20:55

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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty20/7/2016, 20:55

& à vous mes doritos (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 1780186514
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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty20/7/2016, 22:49

Je laisse ma trace (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2608297218
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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty21/7/2016, 16:57

la classe incarnée:

Je pense qu'un lien s'impose (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 827115321
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Adopte Un Parisien
Adopte Un Parisien
eau de toilette




(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty24/7/2016, 12:44

hey le quadra', tu savais que @Mads Sørensen était aussi heureux que toi dans son mariage ? ça pourrait peut-être vous rapprocher... (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2705890437
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Mérédith Delmare
Mérédith Delmare
j'adore de dior

JE RESSEMBLE À : vanessa williams, da queen.

CRÉDITS : moi, la patronne.

PSEUDO : anaëlle la plus belle.

(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty1/8/2016, 12:58

un lien avec la sorcière doyenne de lb, ça t'intéresserait ? (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2608297218
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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty20/8/2016, 15:00

ooooh gosh MES AMOUUUURS je suis désolée désolée désolée j'avais pas vuuuu (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 1051928471 (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 273078915 (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 4936003 me voilà mes choupinous, je veux de vous évidemment (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2499511796 (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 519489317 (sauf toi Lu, je t'ai déjà (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2705890437)

Jonas ils sont tellement cools (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 1627341585 s'il travaille dans les locaux de Vogue ça peut être intéressant puisque la femme de Stellan y est rédactrice (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2823496254

Mérédith pourquoi pas des amants ? (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2705890437
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Mérédith Delmare
Mérédith Delmare
j'adore de dior

JE RESSEMBLE À : vanessa williams, da queen.

CRÉDITS : moi, la patronne.

PSEUDO : anaëlle la plus belle.

(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty3/9/2016, 12:13

Stellan Iseki a écrit:
Mérédith pourquoi pas des amants ? (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2705890437

si stellan est maso, ça peut le faire.  (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 3059275885 non en vrai ça pourrait être bien drôle.  (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 3349836781  mais si je me souviens bien de ta fiche, la femme de stellan est pas mal un tyran dans son genre, non ? du coup, est-ce qu'il s'aventurerait dans une aventure avec une femme encore pire ?  (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 4139370260
si tu veux te faire une idée :
d'ailleurs, mérédith est la directrice artistique du magazine vogue alors si sa femme y travaille également, ça pourrait être drôle.  (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 1627341585 et puis au moins, on a pas à se casser la tête pour le lieu de rencontre, n'est-ce pas ?  (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2705890437
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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty28/9/2016, 13:55

ce que stellan pourrait apprécier chez elle, c'est que contrairement à sa femme mérédith est en quelques sortes honnête. sans artifice: on sait directement qui elle est. sandrine, elle, se cache derrière une fausse gentillesse. le besoin de se donner bonne image est la seule chose qui la pousse à être généreuse, et là-dedans stellan la méprise un peu. mérédith c'est une autre histoire, un tyran non dissimulé (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 1627341585
en tout cas, la rencontre est évidente car oui, sandrine travaille pour vogue (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 2823496254
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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty13/1/2017, 19:13

Un lien avec une petite nouvelle ?
J'avoue je suis venue en touriste (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start 1566817690
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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start (stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start Empty

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(stellan) the demon in me was the best of friends from the start

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